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Triptych Chapter 4

Chapter 4   Mac Katherine McKenzie took the mandatory aptitude test when she was ten. After years of begging her mother, who for some reason, was convinced she wouldn’t score high enough to land in a reputable class. She wasn’t smart enough for the medical or engineering fields, and anything below a technician is just shameful. Living her life without undergoing some major enhancement means acknowledging you serve no meaningful purpose in the perfect machine of society. “Thank god you’re pretty.” Her mother used to tell her, four words that always followed some sort of complaint about her cognitive development skills. Little Katherine was absolute pants at math, a hazard with sharp objects and too easily distracted by the bright colors of the world to memorize something in minimal time. Her mother thought she was too hopeless to be controlled by the strongest inhibitor, and her less-than-stellar test score sealed her fate. As the boys from her apartment complex gradually got fitted